Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Simple Love- MDSM17

It's Monday and time for another MDS Monday Challenge!  Remember we are going to start posting a new challenge every week, but the challenges will still be open for two, so it give you plenty of time to create something and share it with us!

We have a simple sketch and also a challenge of attaching text to a shape (yah...I totally missed that...ooops!)  Here is what I made:

Very simple, but I wanted the picture to be the main focal point of this page.  I used the Twitterpated paper on my page.  I have always liked this picture of my daughter and I, even though I am not looking my best and have an oxygen tube hooked up, bit it shows how it really was in the hospital the day after she was born.

Here is the sketch:


Be sure to go by the MDS Monday blog and see what all the other DT members created using the sketch and challenge.  And we would love to have you join us too...the challenge lasts two weeks, so you have time to create something in MDS and show us. 

Thanks for stopping by!


Heidi B said...

Love the muted background so the focus is on the picture! You look so happy, Rochelle!

jjcreations said...

It's such a wonderfully gentle page, Beth. Love the background with the colours popping again in the heart!

beth rush said...

cute page Rochelle, its great that you scrapped this picture. I didn't want any pictures of me in the hospital, so silly of me. I love that you muted the background paper and used it full strength in the heart and strip.

Tara Bourgoin said...

What a sweet, sweet page Rochelle. I love the 'muted' background with the heart. Great picture!!