Thursday, December 5, 2013

Gould Christmas 2013- MDS Blog Hop

Welcome to the MDS Blog Hop!  This is our first hop of the month, so we have a theme, printed products and/or calendars made using MDS!  And remember, we still have our Pinterest page with all of our projects pinned!

I decided to share our Christmas card for this year with you.  You may recognize it from about a month ago on this hop, but now it is finished (front and back) and and has an updated picture of our daughter.  I thought it may be here in time to post a picture of the actual printed card that I ordered, but that is not the it is in digital form:


So this is the card we decided to use this year!  It uses the Jingle and Joy kit.  I had fun making the "stationary" on the back of the card for our little greeting.

I love using MDS for Christmas cards!  You design one and then print/order as many as you need!  It makes it so easy! 

Alright...on to the next blog, Aly's!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love the photo, and the notebook paper is a nice touch!

  2. adorable picture Rochelle, what a cutie she is. I love how you did the back of the card too, looks great!


I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment! Thanks for visiting my blog! -Rochelle