Here is the page I made using the sketch. The picture is of me holding our then, 5 day old daughter and the foot prints we did at home using Stampin' Up ink and cardstock! We didn't get very good ones in the hospital, so we did our own!
To follow along on this month's Blog Hop, simply click the links below:
Allison Ohran -Sweet Impressions
Cori Kozak - Creative Chat
Erica Cerwin - Pink Buckaroo Designs
Erin Gonzales -Hand Stamped Style
Rochelle Gould - I stamp, I create, I have fun!
Jenny Peterson - Lakeshore Stamping
You have until May 25th to play along. We are excited to see what you create!
Thanks for stopping by!
Such a cute idea and love how you matched up the little feet stamp.