Friday, April 27, 2012

Jaundice- MDS Blog Hop

Welcome to the MDS Blog Hop!  This week we have a sketch to work with!  I had a lot of fun with it.  Here is the page I made. (click on the page to see it bigger).

And here is the sketch.   

I used pictures of our daughter when she was 3 days old in the hospital under the lights for the Jaundice she had.  It is kind of hard to scrapbook pictures that are so blue! :) But I used the Tickets and Tags kit and it went very well with the pictures I think!  This kit is very versatile.  I layered a lot of different embellishments and elements on my page.  I am happy with the way this page came out!

Are you ready to hop on over to the next blog? The easiest way to do so is to click on the name right below mine, so that would be Mandy and then from her blog hop on over to Julie's blog and so on until you have hopped a full circle back to here!

1 comment:

I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment! Thanks for visiting my blog! -Rochelle